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5 Ways To Create A Maximalist Bathroom

If you appreciate a touch of flair and drama, a maximalist approach to your bathroom might just be the style you’re looking for. Maximalism is all about bold colours, patterns and textures. Here are five ways to create a maximalist bathroom that are sure to catch the eye.

1. Embrace Different Patterns

When it comes to maximalist bathroom ideas, more is quite literally merrier. And by ‘more’ we mean more than one pattern. Don’t be afraid to combine wallpaper designs, murals, colourful panelling and even tiling patterns to mix and match florals, stripes, shapes and polka dots. If you want to embrace this trend but are worried your bathroom will look too busy, try patterns with similar colours or contrasting colours with similar shapes.

To fully embrace a maximalist bathroom look, finish with one of our statement countertop basins. These stylish, colourful bathroom sinks boast unique patterns that are anything but ordinary. Our Adriana basin, pictured below, blends a rich emerald green and regal blue patterning for a showstopping centrepiece against the textured wall behind.

A mixture of patterns also works well in small spaces. If you have a cloakroom, this is another great opportunity to introduce maximalism into your home without overwhelming key areas of the house. Our mini countertop basin collection is ideal for exactly this purpose.

2. Mix Rich Colours

Bold, rich colours are key to hitting that maximalist brief. Consider painting your bathroom walls a bold shade of deep red, emerald green, or navy blue. If you’re uncertain about committing to a bold colour, think about using a statement piece such as a decorative basin or luxury bathroom vanity unit.

Our Yasmin maximalist bathroom sink, shown above with a Theo Tap in brushed brass and our Hugo vanity unit, produces a striking maximalist effect against the bottle green wall.

3. Add Texture

Textures are another important element of maximalist design. When adding texture to a bathroom, you can use a variety of materials such as marble, ceramic, or even wood.

Below, our Lucia countertop basin in clear glass contrasts with the brushed brass of the Theo tap and Felix vanity unit, while the wallpaper adds another layer of texture behind.

4. Use Gold!

Gold can add a touch of luxury to any room and is frequently utilised in maximalist bathroom design. That said, an over-reliance on gold can be overwhelming so limit it to subtle accents where you can. Consider a gold-framed mirror, gold taps and gold waste and bottle traps for a touch of flair.

It doesn’t have to be gold, either! Brass and other metallic finishes can also work well in a contemporary bathroom setting.

The Carmel luxury sink, pictured above, features bold flashes of gold that pair stylishly with the polished brass Theo tap and bottle trap.

5. Experiment With Furniture

With maximalism, it’s encouraged to break the rules. Experiment with furniture you may not ordinarily see in a bathroom such as an antique cabinet, luxury vanity unit, or even a cosy armchair.

Our Huxley vanity unit, paired below with the Ophelia countertop basin, creates a powerful impression upon entering a room. Depending on your space, we offer vanity units in single, double and bespoke sizes, so you can produce a maximalist impact in any bathroom.

London Basin Company

Are you looking to make a statement with your own maximalist bathroom? Our high-quality, handmade bathroom sinks are the ideal way to make a striking impression. For more inspiration, view our full gallery. Browse, be inspired, and shop the collections online today. For more information on our basins or for bathroom design adviceget in touch.


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